From New Age to New Life

Lucyna Bowen - 27 Years in New Age

God is Good

Like a lot of people I know I was scared of God of the bible, thinking He was a judging God just waiting for me to trip up so He could add me to the ‘going to hell list’.

That is why when I read my first book on New Age spirituality I was thrilled to see that when you die you don’t go to hell you go to a summer land, a spiritual dimension where all your family is waiting to greet you and you live in this spiritual dimension until you are ready to have another life.

Gosh, I now find out this is All A LIE to get you off God’s true path of relationship with Him and to fulfil your destiny purpose that He created in you before He created the foundations of the Earth.

Even before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ, so that we would be holy and without fault before him. Because of his love (Ephesians 1:4 ) GNT

As a psychic I would have lost my destiny but now I am on my destiny right path since I gave my life to Christ. All my practical gifts and my spiritual gifts are coming back into me, some are new things I never thought I would be doing – so far removed from my old life – I feel much more alive and excited when I am doing them!

Satan stole us from God and is ruling the planet and people are in the dark about it or they think they are too sinful for God to want them. Jesus already has died for all our sins no matter how dark and bad and so we are forgiven- amazing!

He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. (1 John 3:8) Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. (Ephesians 6:11) Satan...the father of all lies. One of God's most urgent warnings to christians is Do NOT be deceived!!!

Dragons which are popular mythical beasts thought to be harmless, are Satan’s symbol as the deceiver of this world! I used dragon’s sprays when I was a therapist I was shocked to find out this is one of Satan’s marks of identity.

Another deceptive lie that Satan uses is to disguise himself as a being of light, an angel, including the New Age and other religions which are full of ascended masters and deities.

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Cor. 11:14). If it’s not the real Jesus – run!

Our true heavenly Father thought us up and His Word (Jesus) created us in their image which includes The Holy Spirit as their precious child so they could do great things with us on the Earth. Just like Adam and Eve did. God (the 3 in 1 God) is constantly on the look out for those He can walk through life with to establish His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.

God is our good, good father who is waiting patiently for his Kids (us) to return our affections back to Him.

Novena to the Heavenly Father for our Earthly Fathers - Novenas - Prayers -  Catholic Online

Satan stole us from Him and is ruling the planet but people are in the dark about it thinking they are too sinful for God to want them.

That is precisely what God’s plan to get us back into heaven is all about. Jesus has paid all our debts of sin for us over 2,000 yrs ago.

We are debt free/sin free if we accept this free gift of salvation from God and believe Him. If you know in your heart this is to be true and accept Jesus as your personal saviour and ask Him to be Lord of your life He will take your old life and give you a much better one with Him inside of you if you ask Him.

But not everyone knows this and are believing Lucifer’s lies that all roads lead back to God and no need of salvation. Needless to say, this will keep you in separation from God and you will never see Him when you die, except to be judged for not accepting His free gift of His rescue mission plan, that Jesus (The Word) was commissioned to carry out on purpose.

Heaven will never let sin enter in but if you have Jesus inside of you then you are seen as pure and holy to God and you will have eternal life.

If all roads lead us back to God then why did God crucify His precious heavenly Son and have him tortured? It doesn’t add up that He should have many paths – its a contradiction and great confusion. God does not make mistakes

God is not a man, that He should lie (Numbers 23:19)

The wages of ANY sin = death (permanent separation from the Father). But…Jesus paid the wages of ALL our sins for people from the beginning to the end of times; us, me and you, our families, friends and colleagues etc.

Not many people know that Satan is god of this world and it is he who twisted God’s truths and formulated the new age movement, spiritualism, Wicca, shamanism, yoga etc and all world religions including Catholicism (a mixture of Christian beliefs and paganism).

Satan gives you truth mixed in with lies, that is why it sounds and looks so plausible and good. But as I found out it is deadly, it is not from God and the only god people are serving is a deceptive one. God is looking for those who are looking for the whole truth and that is Jesus, who died on the cross for you personally.

Heaven rejoices as He presents Himself to you and throws a party when you say ‘Yes’ to Jesus as your Messiah, you will never regret it as you explore the earth with a whole new heart filled with His love for you.

Watch how miracles begin to happen as you journey with the Prince of Peace, The (true) Holy Spirit and God the Father who loves you passionately- this is where the most amazing life you can ever begin to know begins to unfold

Praise God!

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