From New Age to New Life

Lucyna Bowen - 27 Years in New Age

Celebration of Good News

When you accept Yeshua as your Lord and Saviour, there is a lot to celebrate – the fact you know your sins have now been forgiven because the bible tells us that Jesus conquered sin and death on the cross for us all. Because we all sin we start dying as written in Genesis and once we die we die or sleep as the Bible says, as our soul is mortal, NOT immortal as some believe (Gen2: 4,17,20). Jesus came to teach us about Heaven, God’s Kingdom and that He will restore us back to the Father as He is The Way, The Truth and The Life because He has no sin in Him, we have.

Sin = Death

Jesus took our sin away from us on the cross spiritually and was killed putting our sins on the cross with him they have been paid for, our debt to God has been paid for by his Son on our behalf.

Jesus came to bring us the Kingdom of God and rescue us out of the world of corrupt systems run by the Prince of darkness, Satan. We need to be trained (discipled) by God on how to walk with Him and start to know the right ways of living by reading the bible to get tot know God asking him to give you revelation by His spirit to give you insights – for He has a plan and purpose for you far more exiting than you can possibly imagine! To have an intimate relationship with Him.

Walking with God just like Adam and Eve did in Eden – a proper relationship with God who created the Universe!

God who created Heaven and Earth and ALL the galaxies, stars, animals, plants, birds and all our loved ones, LOVES ME and loves YOU!

He loves each one of us so much so He created a plan for our rescue before He formed the foundations of the Earth – He knew we would struggle and mess up so He had a plan set up right before He created the beginning of time and the foundations of the Earth – a long time ago

I have experienced His amazing love from the word go since calling on Yeshua and asking Him to save me and that I believed that He really was the ONLY way home – because I had a very profound truth moment descend upon me after I heard that He died for me personally

We were Created in God’s image, He doesn’t look human, we humans look like Him (a few things different of course) and He is certainly NOT an ‘energy’ or the ‘Universe’ like I eventually became brainwashed and gas lighted to believe – He is not the Universe because He created the Universe – and is massive!

As a New Ager I used to think I knew it all (spiritual arrogance) – well I had been studying it for nearly 30 years, read books, had the experiences – spirit guides that I could feel, talk to mind to mind with, had physical encounters with- felt real arms around me in bed and very often cool breezes and electricity tingles next to my legs, i sensed their presence.

These guys are real but what is NOT real is their ‘love’ for you, they hate you and are on agenda from the false love and light brigade that the Bible warns us of.

Doctrine of Demons

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. (1 Tim 4:1 NIV)

There are two important diabolic guises.

The devil is a deceiver (Rev. 12:9). The apostle Paul warns the Corinthians that the devil can disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). Paul is writing about the danger of false teachers who disguise themselves as Apostles of Christ (2 Cor. 11:13). These deceitful workmen are agents of the great deceiver. False teaching, false gospel, and false teachers still persist and trouble the churches. This may be particularly so in the West. I once heard a pastor who had been imprisoned by the communist regime in the Soviet days say that the DD degree can stand for Doctor of Divinity or Doctor of Darkness

The agenda is to get you away from God of the Bible (meaning Library or Book) and away from the truth that Yeshua had come to die for all your sins so you can be wiped clean from them. He will show you how to live and give you your proper destiny, to be like Him!

I have spent £10, 000’s over 30 years seeking to do this, looking for ‘truth’ in all the wrong places. These courses in the New Age are not from God as I painfully found out, but truth mixed in with lies – the worst kind of deception….The truth can hook you in and then it gets twisted and distorted once you are hooked – money is withdrawn, pious teachings are told ‘spiritualising’ everything, you are made to feel the people who are not into frequencies and ‘spiritual principles’ are dense and walking asleep.

A follower of Christ has a practical, functioning nuts and bolts life as well as fellow shipping with God. Walking and communing with Him though His Word – The Bible and in quiet times. Sometimes in emergencies, you just hear Him tell you ‘to get out’ of situations that mean you harm. Once you accept Jesus, the Bible starts to make sense because His Holy Spirit teaches you as you go along.

Evil hates this book and really does try anything to stop you
reading it

Yeshua has paid for all your sins for FREE! For every single person that was ever born and even for those who have not yet been born, He has wiped all their sins also. So you DO NOT need other teachings, practices and therapies to attach yourself to including religions which are man made from the evil one as a means of guilt, manipulation and control.

The plan is SO SIMPLE

You sincerely accept that Yeshua died for you personally, thank Him for it ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit, turn away from sinning (repent, which means to change your mind about God) and now you are Born Again or Born from Above, that God has given you His spirit from above.

Because you are born first into a body when you come onto the earth, you then HAVE to have another birth, a spiritual birth – God’s spirit needs to be birthed inside of you (the second birth, hence the name being ‘born again’)

Yeshua says in the Bible this is how you can therefore enter heaven – through Him because He comes from the Father in Heaven and therefore knows the protocol on how to get back – it’s God free gift of Grace

You then have Jesus, who is also known as the Prince of Peace, The Word of God and our Saviour (who rescues us from the evils of this world because it is still run by Satan) as your Lord who loves you and says He will never leave you or forsake you once you are His (Hebrews 13:5, Deut 31:8)

Satan’s biggest fear – you accepting Jesus as your personal saviour knowing that Jesus actually died for you personally, setting you free from the binds of death as sin = death. Sin is an invisible force and spirit that separates you from God which starts to attach on to your soul and eventually body – Jesus can release you from that, especially when you have deliverance prayers said over you and read His truths in the Bible.

That’s Yeshua asking for God to forgive you of all your sins – no matter how big!


Yeshua is the biggest Hero of ALL time. He went to cross ON PURPOSE for you alone to pay off all your penalty of death. Sin has a price which Jesus paid in our place so we all could live forever with God, the family He created.

Jesus has literally saved us from permanent death because of the sins (means to miss the mark (of God’s will)) we all commit daily.

We are all lost sheep living in the wilderness being ravaged by invisible forces trying to drag us down. Jesus is looking for us all to save us for ALL eternity not for religion but for a personal walk and relationship in this life and the life to come with Him and the Father

According to Matthew reminds the reader/hearer of the deeper reality of the death of Jesus and the cosmic atmosphere accompanying it. In other words, Matthew brings these cosmic events together in their place in the Gospel narrative to emphasise the greatness of Jesus and the greatness of his death, which heralded the beginning of the new age in which forgiveness and atonement are to be found not in the temple or sacrifices, but in the death of Jesus.

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